Mark Ginsberg
Mark Ginsberg has three decades of experience in government service, the private sector and non-profit organizations with technology and innovation. While focused primarily on energy efficiency and renewable energy, Mark has added health care recently. As a senior government official at the Federal and state levels, as a consultant with NGOs, and as an entrepreneur, Mark brings a unique perspective to public-private partnerships as well as Federal-State-local collaboration. He is a strong advocate of public-private partnerships and has extensive experience in the public regulatory and procurement processes.
Mark founded Ginsberg Green Strategies to consult on green cities, energy efficiency, renewables, and the green economy in January 2012. In the Fall 2012, the US Green Building Council designated Mark as the first USGBC Senior Fellow, where he serves as a senior policy adviser and Ambassador. Mark also pursues advanced energy technologies, from innovative energy efficiency and renewables to seawater agriculture, solid waste, and wave energy. He continues to address global policy including climate, urban development and the green economy. Mark consults on a variety of innovative technologies in clean energy, climate and health care. Mark has always recognized the connection between clean energy and health and wellness. More recently, Mark has applied his expertise in the health care arena. He provides government and community relations expertise with Pacific Eco Innovation Inc. and BioSynchronicity Corporation.
At USGBC, Ginsberg helped develop the USGBC LEED for Cities platform, which launched in late 2016. LEED is a powerful tool to measure and compare performance on a variety of factors, ranging from energy and water, to health and wellness. Prior to that, he served as a senior executive at the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for 20 years and the Arizona Energy Office for 10 years. At DOE, his portfolio included energy efficiency, renewable energy, and climate change technologies, with an emphasis on international activities, including work on Zero Energy Buildings and Communities, with primary focus on China, India and MENA. He has overseen major energy agreements between DOE and Ministries in China, India and the UAE. In 2005, he launched the research effort that led to the goal of Zero Energy Buildings to be cost competitive by 2020 and developed early concepts for Zero Energy Communities or Green Cities. At DOE, he worked extensively with DOE’s National Labs and contractors, as well as states and local governments. He served on numerous Inter-Agency Committees, including the IAC on Homeless, chaired by the Department of Veterans Affairs. As Director of the Federal Energy Management (FEMP) Program, Mark worked with Federal agencies and private sector energy service companies to reduce energy waste and apply renewable energy. In Arizona, he led the Arizona Energy Office in the state Department of Commerce, where he managed a large portfolio that included energy efficiency, renewables and attracting energy companies to Arizona, utilizing economic development incentives.
Mr. Ginsberg has received numerous recognitions for his work. In 2003, the US Green Building Council established a Ginsberg Sustainability Fellow to pursue his research goals and, in 2006, the Alliance to Save Energy presented its Lifetime Achievement Award to him. Ginsberg was one of 25 initial inductees into the Energy Efficiency Forum Hall of Fame in 2009. In December, 2011, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu, presented Mark with a Distinguished Career award.